how does driving for grubsouth work?
Thousands of our neighbors order food from GrubSouth every day. When our customers place an order, we offer the opportunity to accept the delivery of these orders to our drivers.
Drivers earn money when accepting an order by:
Driving to the restaurant to pick up customer order.
Verifying items on the order for accuracy at the restaurant.
Delivering the order to the correct customer address, following any reasonable special instructions.
what do i need to be a driver for grubsouth?
VALID driver’s license
vehicle registration
proof of insurance
All drivers must also be at least 19 years of age, but no previous delivery experience is required!
As an independent contractor, you're the boss!
You have the flexibility to work as often as you want in any of our market hubs.
where does grubsouth deliver?
We operate across North Alabama in: Athens, Harvest, Madison, Decatur, Florence, Killen, Muscle Shoals, Hazel Green, Huntsville, Hampton Cove, and Owens Cross Roads. Our delivery ranges expand beyond these listed above, so if you have questions about a specific market please let us know during your interview process!